Demystifying Old Hong Kong 解密舊香港

Demystifying Old Hong Kong 世紀初新古典建築群巡禮
亞力山大行- 遮打道- 皇后行- 赤腳車伕- 維多利亞城- 歷山大廈- 中環- 置地- Armistice

《解密舊香港》系列第一炮 。小弟很早己喜歡查究舊香港事物, 雖然現在多了很多關於舊香港歷史或懷舊頻道或專頁, 但一般都沒有很深入的解說, 頂多是做吓新舊導對比 更多是互相轉發的資訊。

關於更深入的舊香港資訊及影像資料, 需要在英文資料堆中尋找。我製作這今集解密舊香港時, 看了個多星期的資料, 經整理後才將當中約1/4資料擺入片中, 因太多資料也會令人吃不消。日後會製作其他有趣的舊香港事物題材片, 希望大家喜歡。

The first shot in the "Demystifying Old Hong Kong" series.  I liked to investigate old Hong Kong things, although there are now a lot of channels or pages about the history of old Hong Kong or nostalgia, but generally there is no in-depth explanation, at most it is to scare the old and the new, and more is to forward information to each other. 

More in-depth information and video materials on old Hong Kong need to be found in the English stack. When I made this episode to declassify old Hong Kong, I watched the information for more than a week, and only after sorting it out, I put about 1/4 of the information into the film, because too much information can be overwhelming. In the future, I will make other interesting films about old Hong Kong things, I hope you like it.

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